Circle Menu

This extension helps you to add a circular menu to your app with a lot of customizations.



Create – Creates circle menu.

component_method (1)

OpenMenu – Opens the menu.

component_method (2)

CloseMenu – Closes the menu.

component_method (3)

isMenuOpened – Returns if menu is opened.

component_method (4)

SetMainMenu – Sets up main menu, set the icon color to -1 if you dont want to add any color

component_method (5)

AddSubMenu – Adds a sub menu, set the icon color to -1 if you dont want to add any color.

component_method (6)

SetShadowRadius – Sets the shadow radius of menu.

component_method (7)

SetIconSize – Sets the size of the menu icons. Note:- This method may not work properly

component_method (8)

Use Hex – For using hex color code.

component_event (1)

OnMenuOpened – It is called when the menu has been opened

component_event (2)

OnMenuClosed – It is called when the menu has been closed


Properties to control position on screen


OnMenuSelected – It is called when the menu item has been selected has been opened. Returns id [int] of the item


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